SAfe environment program


As part of the Diocesan Safe Environment Program, OLGC staff members and volunteers ministering to children / vulnerable adults, are required to submit an application, have a background check, and attend Virtus (child protection) training.  Staff / adult volunteers adhere to Diocesan Code of Conduct standards and follow all parish safety policies and guidelines. Staff members and volunteers wear a Parish photo ID Badge when they are ministering to children / vulnerable adults in a parish or OLGC School activity.

These requirements apply to all staff (parish and school), religious education volunteers, room parents, chaperones, coaches, scout leaders, members of St. Vincent de Paul Society, RCIA team members, Special Needs Ministry volunteers, Eucharistic Ministers for the homebound, Knight of Columbus and members involved in parish / OLGC School activities that have direct or indirect contact with children or vulnerable adults.

Any adult interested in volunteering in various parish ministries or OLGC School events involving children or vulnerable adults, please contact the parish Safe Environment Coordinator at 856-235-7136. We are happy to assist you in the clearance process!

Volunteer application Code of Conduct Internet Agreement

Virtus Online (Links to Fingerprinting and Child Protection Course). Please contact the Safe Environment Coordinators for instructions and to register for an online Child Protection Course.

If you have been fingerprinted for the Diocese of Trenton, or attended a Virtus Child Protection Course in the past, please transfer your primary location to OLGC.

OLGC School Employees - please contact the Coordinators for the Department of Education codes.

Our promise to protect

The Diocese of Trenton is committed to the initiatives outlined in the U.S. Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People in regard to the reporting and investigation of sexual abuse allegations involving minors.  The Diocese has in place a Victim’s Assistance Coordinator, who is available to obtain support for your needs and help you make a formal complaint of abuse.

If you have been sexually abused as a minor by a member of the clergy or anyone representing the Catholic Church, or if you know someone who was, you can report that abuse through the diocesan Abuse Hotline: 1-888-296-2965 or via email at

The Diocese encourages anyone with an allegation to also report that abuse to their local law enforcement agency.  The Diocese reports all allegations received to the appropriate county prosecutor’s office.