Dear Parishioners,
We are pleased to introduce online giving again here at Our Lady of Good Counsel. "Parish Giving" allows parishioners to create their own account and self manage their gifts to the parish.
By making automatic, recurring donations via credit cards or automatic bank withdrawals, parishioners can maintain a planned level of support throughout the year.
Our Lady of Good Counsel is a thriving community of over 5,000 families, clergy, parish staff and dedicated parish volunteers and our various ministries depend exclusively on parishioner’s time, talent and treasure.
Running the parish and all of its ministries, including salaries, church and parish office maintenance and utilities, faith formation, school subsidy, etc. costs $1.7M a year. Because we rely solely on parishioner support to cover our expenses, we ask you to consider the following:
Nationally over the past decade, online bill payment have increased 800%.
Paper check usage has declined significantly.
Online charitable giving has doubled every year and continues to rise.
70% of Millennials prefer to give online.
I strongly encourage you to register with us online, through Parish Giving, Paypal, or ACH direct debit from your bank account.
For those who are already using online giving, thank you. Your regular contributions to the parish are most welcome and appreciated. To all, please pray and then consider the amount you are able to contribute.
God Bless.
Stay Connected with Good Counsel
If you would prefer to receive church envelopes please call the parish office at 856-235-0181 or request them online, here.
If you would prefer to utilize automatic bank withdrawals deducted directly from your account, please call the parish office at 856-235-0181 or make that request online, here.