Daily Rosary
We welcome all to join us after each 9:00 AM Daily Mass to pray the rosary. We especially need prayer during these troubling times!
Pray the Miraculous Medal Novena with us following the 9:00 AM Mass in the Main Church from Friday, November 29th through Sunday, December 8th (Excluding Sunday, December 1st).
We will continue this devotion every Monday throughout the year following Morning Mass. Please join us in praying this powerful Novena. You may find the Novena prayer as well as further information about the Miraculous Medal by visiting the Miraculous Medal Shrine website: click here for the website.
When John offers baptism to Jesus, it is a strange and powerful moment. John, the cousin of Jesus, has already come to believe He is the Lamb of God, and John claims he is not worthy to carry His sandals, and yet Jesus comes to John for this public moment. This is immediately followed by the voice of the Father from Heaven proclaiming, “This is My beloved Son; with You I am pleased.”
What if you were among them and heard the Father speak with such love about the Son? Would it have been impactful? Would you consider it a moment of overwhelming grace to have heard the Voice of God?
In our chronology of Jesus’ public ministry, this is the beginning. Next week, we will hear the Gospel of the Wedding Feast of Cana, the first public miracle Jesus would perform. In fact, though, the next chapter in Luke’s Gospel is where Jesus goes into the desert to pray and fast for 40 days. Jesus Himself feels the need to go off and contemplate what it means to be the Beloved. Why? Jesus needs to reconcile that He is the Beloved, and that He will die on the Cross.
Jesus needs to assimilate that the Father is pleased with Him, but that He will suffer the abandonment of His disciples and friends. Jesus is the “Beloved,” and He is the Suffering Servant, too.
Jesus overcomes brokenness, defeating even death, and He does this for you and for me. Not only is Jesus the “Beloved Son of God,” but you and I are also beloved to God. Father Henri Nouwen wrote in his delightful book, “Beloved,” that we need to claim our right and our role as the Beloved of God. We do that with our lives, with our words, and with our actions each day.
Recognizing yourself, your spouse, your children and your neighbors each as Beloved by God, how should we treat them? A better question to face, moving beyond “should,” would be to answer, “How do we treat them?”
Pray about your answer.
- Father Jim
Please click here to visit the website for the 2025 Jubilee Pilgrimage.
To learn more about the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal and to donate online, please click here.
Hospice Care Information
Faith at Home
These links provides you with the latest one-page resource for families, Faith At Home; it connects to the theme of the upcoming Sunday Liturgy. This resource is updated each week and can be found on the diocesan webpage at www.dioceseoftrenton.org/faith-at-home and en Español at www.dioceseoftrenton.org/fe-en-casa.
May God continue to bless us and keep us close to Him.
Please support the Society of St. Vincent de Paul so that together we can help local families in need. Those needing help should call the SVDP helpline at 856-291-7313.
Local food pantries include:
Live Civilly: St. Matthew's Church, 318 Chester Ave.
First Baptist Church, 19 West Main St., Moorestown
Bethel AME, 512 N. Church St., Moorestown
SVDP also has Thinking of You cards available. A gift can be given to the poor in the name of someone special at your
request. You will be remembered in the prayers and works of the Moorestown Vincentians. We are so very grateful for your
generous ongoing donations.
Our Promise to Protect
The Diocese of Trenton is committed to the initiatives outlined in the U.S. Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People in regard to the reporting and investigation of sexual abuse allegations involving minors. The Diocese has in place a Victim’s Assistance Coordinator, who is available to obtain support for your needs and help you make a formal complaint of abuse.
If you have been sexually abused as a minor by a member of the clergy or anyone representing the Catholic Church, or if you know someone who was, you can report that abuse through the diocesan Abuse Hotline: 1-888-296-2965 or via email at abuseline@dioceseoftrenton.org.
The Diocese encourages anyone with an allegation to also report that abuse to their local law enforcement agency. The Diocese reports all allegations received to the appropriate county prosecutor’s office.